I hope you’ll find refuge here.

Welcome. I’m Allison, the Cesarean Doula. I’m an educator, speaker, writer, doula and trauma-informed space holder.

I am also a mother who had an unplanned and unwanted cesarean after attempting an unmedicated home birth.

Attempting to heal from my emotionally and physically traumatic c-section revealed how few resources exist for c-section-related emotional healing.

I suffered profoundly as a result of our system’s inability to adequately support moms like me.

Now it’s my life’s work to support you.

My mission is to make it accessible and affordable to heal emotionally after an unwanted cesarean.

Whether your cesarean birth was a necessary, life saving procedure, or a result of the “cascade of interventions,” hospital protocol, or something else, the fact that you did not birth the way you desired matters.

You can experience gratitude alongside grief. And you can feel whole again.

My services and offerings were birthed from my own challenges finding the right kind of support.

I support my clients using practices and rituals that were developed by the world’s foremost experts in birth trauma and cesarean healing.

All of my services are highly rated and available online:

And if there’s something you need support with that’s not on this list, I encourage you to contact me.

I’m Allison, the Cesarean Doula. You can learn more about me here.